Published in 2012, Color contains a selection of 191 images which document Tokyo in-between 2008 and 2012. Amassing a total of 30,000 digital images for the project, Color is Moriyama’s visual assault of photographs packed together within the 312 pages of the photobook. Images of street scenes, fleeting portraits and snapshots of Moriyama’s lived occurrences are visually placed within the new viewing context of color imagery. The resulting images present an exciting and stimulating viewing experience which lacks none of Moriyama’s provocative use of black and white imagery. Published by Getsuyosha its publication also gave birth to its counterpart Monochrome.
Condition 10/10
Published in 2012, Color contains a selection of 191 images which document Tokyo in-between 2008 and 2012. Amassing a total of 30,000 digital images for the project, Color is Moriyama’s visual assault of photographs packed together within the 312 pages of the photobook. Images of street scenes, fleeting portraits and snapshots of Moriyama’s lived occurrences are visually placed within the new viewing context of color imagery. The resulting images present an exciting and stimulating viewing experience which lacks none of Moriyama’s provocative use of black and white imagery. Published by Getsuyosha its publication also gave birth to its counterpart Monochrome.
Condition 10/10